Step one
online quote
Date & Location
Pick the location and the needed rent date.
- Chose location you want to pickup a car
- Pick-up date
- Pick-up time
- Drop off back Location
- drop off date
- Drop off time
- Choose Class or just leave empty for any category: Mean Category of car weather small car to Luxury Car.
- Click search to find out car
Step Two
choose car
Choose a Car
Select the vehicle using our catalogues.

Our system can choose multiple of car in single order. choose a car by click choose button than will come green that you has been choose. After done choose car please scroll down to bottom and click “Continue”.

Select Optional add-onn to submit booking detail or just ignore. Proceed to next step by “Continue”
Step Three
fill up driver detail
Make a Booking
Enter your name and booking details.

Please fillup detail required and make sure phone number with country code for non malaysian only. Please fill up flight detail or exactly location on comment.
Step 4
advance payment confirm order
Make Payment
Make Payment and Confirmation

Make payment to confirm booking. Without advance payment system did not block car for you and customer still received email but no payment record inside.
Payment option we have no extra fees, payment by FPX (Malaysia Banking only) and Debit/Credit card are open for all)